WUW #59 WOW! You Guys Are The Best! Samurai Updates
Well there is nothing like receiving encouragement and support from 100k people to help get you back on track! I have watched a lot...
WUW #58 Samurai Burnout! What Should We Do?
Well... I can't say I didn't see this coming. I'm burned out and I need your help figuring out where to go from here.
FTF #58 How To Install Facia By Yourself!
When you work mostly by yourself, you are forced to learn all sorts of woodworking tricks to get things done.
Samurai Stool Plans: http://samuraicarpenter.com/the-samur...
Samurai Stool...
WUW #57 This Reno Is Costing Too Much!!!
There is no end to money pit of a house reno and all the unexpected costs are maxing me out. I sure hope I'll...
Chess with Walnut and Maple
Looking for a cool inspirational project? Check out this video by Jimmy Diresta where he makes a chess board out of walnut and maple. ...
WUW # 56 TRUSS FAIL!!!!The Windows Are In!
Installing a 5' x 10' window with two guys is a little bit tricky. Especially when your two stories up above a brick driveway...
Do you remember a couple of months back when I sent Alec Steele a Tool Chest that I built for him? Well check out...
FTF #57 How To Build Roof Trusses!
Not the most productive week but I'm onto the roof trusses. Next week is going to be huuuuuge!
Ink Line Link: http://samuraicarpenter.com/accessories/
Samurai Woodworking Plans: http://samuraicarpenter.com/plans/
Making “Ami-isu” Chairs
You might be asking…What are Ami-Isu chairs? Check out this incredible video from Ishitani Furniture and watch how they get it done. With Walnut...
Highlights From My Myra Falls Camping Trip
If you live on Vancouver Island, you need to put Myra Falls on your to do list cuz it's AMAZING!!!!! One of the most...