
WUW #3, Dust Collection And Shop Wiring

My shop is almost functional! Power and dust collection will be operational this week. Here is where I'm at right now.

How To Anchor Posts And Lift Sagging Joists

It's time to anchor the beams to the building before they fall over and kill somebody.

Free Tip Friday #1 Removing Twist

Often times, large timbers come from the mill with a twist in them. Here is an easy way to determine how much twist your...

Add Ten Years To the Life Of Your Deck

Free Tip Friday: You can use these tips to add ten years to the life of your deck by preventing rot.

My 8″ Jointer Has Arrived! + New Video Schedule

What's up Wednesday Ep 01. I've got my Jointer and I'm ready to roll! I just have to run power to all my machines...

How To Install Huge Beams with Joinery

I finally got the beams installed in my shop and I did it all using traditional joinery.

How To Keep Outdoor Stairs From Rotting

Here is an easy trick that will add years to the life of your deck stairs.

How To Cut Tapered Chamfers On Posts

Add a bit of character to your work with some tapered chamfers. Here is how I cut them using a wood router.